Friday, 1 November 2013

So yesterday I wrote those happy words 'THE END' at the end of my Christmas book. The last two chapters still need polishing, then it will go to proof reading, but by next week it will be ready for release.
I won't release it though!
Given the current climate of censorship, it's probably not the best time to submit a BDSM book to certain retailers, even a Wild Side book, which tend to be pretty light compared to some of my other stuff. But that aside, I think it's way too early for a Christmas theme book to hit the market.
When is the best time though?
The 'think tank' that meets informally most evenings for a pre-dinner drink was of divided opinion yesterday - the beginning of November being one view, the 25th of November being the other. I tend to favour the latter, but who knows. Shops start promoting the Christmas Season earlier and earlier each year, so I'm not too sure.
All suggestions will be much appreciated.


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